Burleigh Park in 1881
15 August 2020
In his ‘Historical Handbook to Loughborough,’ published in 1881 by Loughborough printers H Wills, the Rev W G Dimock Fletcher shares the history of Burleigh Park, an estate on the edge of Loughborough now owned by Loughborough University.
‘Burleigh, or Burley, in the township of Loughborough, is probably derived from beorh or burh, a hill and lege, meadow land, signifying ‘the meadowland on the hill.’
‘Burleigh Hall is situated on a delightful eminence to the left of the road from Loughborough to Ashby, and there are about 375 acres of land, including the Park.’
‘Of the early history of Burleigh I can find no trace, but prior to 1485 the office of Keeper of the Park was granted to John Lee.’
‘In 1564 one family resided here. Leyland speaks of the Park as being a little way off from Loughborough, in tail mail[1]; and in 1569 the reversion was granted to Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, in tale mail, and in 1576 to him in fee[2]. In 1573 it had been assigned to Joan, widow of Sir Edward Hastings, for her dower.’
‘In 1626 Queen Henrietta Maria was granted an annuity of £115 16s 6d issuing out of the Manor of Loughborough and Burley. In 1630, John Davenport, Esquire lived here. In 1655 the Park was conveyed by Ferdinando, Earl of Huntingdon to William Rawlins.’
‘In the following year it was offered for sale, the Hall having been then recently built at a cost of £2600. The price asked was £11,767 16s. Sir William Jesson, Knight, then lived there.’
‘In 1711, Henry Tate, Esquire, High Sheriff of the County, was living here, and in this family it has continued ever since, Colonel Tynte being the present owner. Until lately it was occupied by Charles Sutton, Esquire, and now by the Dowager Lady Herries. The Hall is a capital three storied house, to which an avenue and fine old trees leads up. The neighbourhood is delightful, and there is a fine view of Charnwood Forest from the Hall.’
[1] passed down through the male ancestral line
[2] A trust or settlement in common law which restricts who may inherit an estate. See further here.