Christmas at Primary School
16 December 2020
23rd December 1897
‘The first distribution of prizes of this school took place this morning. The children sang appropriate songs and a Christmas Carol. This was followed by excellent advice to the children from Dr Corcoran and Mr Peer, who complimented the scholars and staff on the fact that with the exception of Nanpantan, which had a record of one hundred percent, this large and important school, of which the board are proud, ranked second to none under their care with regard to regularity and percentage of attendance.’
13th December 1919
‘A social gathering was held here this evening to which were invited all old boys of this school who had served in H M Forces during the war. Our list of old boys who have served contains 385 names and on the Cenotaph are inscribed the names of 55 old boys who have been killed.’
20th December 1949
‘Classes 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were entertained at their Christmas party at 6.45 pm today. As yesterday, a meal was first consumed and games played afterwards. Mr Cross was presented with a pair of slippers and some tobacco on his retirement after thirty years service in the school.’
20th December 1979
School closed for the Christmas holiday. When the school reopens for the Spring Term the Junior School will amalgamate with the Infant School and will then be named Rosebery County Primary School.
18th December 1996
The Christmas plays, held in the school hall, were very well attended and appreciated. The Infants took part in a Nativity Play whilst the Juniors performed a musical play, ‘Do You Believe in Father Christmas?”
Autumn 1997
‘Spring, Autumn and Christmas Fairs, sales of work, jumble sales etc have always been well-supported by local people. When the school rented a garden (possibly on Rosebery Street) where Maypole dancing was a regular feature, produce was sold for school funds. In recent years the Rosebery School Association has organised fun days, discos, fairs etc, with Father Christmas and his fairy assistant always making an appearance in December.’
Extracts from ‘Rosebery School, Loughborough: 1897- 1997’ – a booklet produced by governors and staff to mark the hundredth anniversary of Rosebery School.
Compiled by Alison Mott
‘George – don’t do that …’ Listen to Joyce Grenfell performing ‘Nativity Play’ here.
Read some modern-day memories of teaching in school at Christmastime here.